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從中國及西方玄學 / 形而上學角度看2021年未來趨勢 - Master Stephen Au| 五術講場 - 區卓裕



02:20 - 05:00 五術四藝的簡介

05:00 - 12:51 解釋宇宙以周期性循環運作,而西方占星及中國玄學術數都基於天文。中國曆法,易經,五行及風水都與地球相對日月,金星,木星,水星,火星及土星的運行有關。

12:52 - 15:11 解釋玄學/形而上學,及天人合一的概念

19:36 - 20:32 介紹西方玄學的神性幾何,與能量以及宇宙中行星運行的關係

42:42 - 50:34 利用九宮飛星及奇門遁甲去預測2020年及2021年流年

Trends in 2021 From Chinese and Western Metaphysics Perspectives (Video recorded on 12/19/2021 HK Time) 2021 Trends from Chinese and Western Metaphysics Perspectives The universe works in cycles eg cosmic, solar, planetary, climate, economic and conflict cycles which drive changes. We will discuss the Great Year and age of Aquarius in western astrology as well as the Period 9 and 2021 trends based on Chinese metaphysics so that you can best position yourself for this upcoming transformational year!

02:20 - 05:00 Personal development, five arts and quadrivium brief introduction

05:00 - 12:51 The universe works in cycle

12:52 - 15:11 Metaphysics

19:36 - 20:32 Western metaphysics & energy

42:42 - 50:34 2020 and 2021 forecasts based on flying star and qimen dunjia

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最近有一些朋友表示錯過了年初的兔年大勢預測課程,但想了解多些關於奇門,環境能量及感應力學,來提升自己及公司的表現。 2023年6月6日剛入戊午月都天煞,之后6月21日夏至一陰生,奇門遁甲由陽遁轉陰遁的日子,有什麼需要注意⚠️?而奇門立春盤就行完開休生🚪,進入傷門……好快就正式入埋九運(2024-2024), 九運大勢係點? 全世界人都係就受集体潛意識影响,但絕大部份人都唔知。一般風水係無講人嘅

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