Human beings possess enormous potentials. All those incredible abilities such as, Blindfold Reading, Clairvoyance and Telepathy that most ordinary people described as "superpower", are actually our innate abilities which are much more powerful than artificial intelligence.
With the rapid development of science and technology nowadays, there is a lot of information floating around. However, the key is to differentiate between good and bad information, and find the most effective way to imbibe information.
Unfortunately, human beings usually focus too much on the material world. In addition, traditional education has tendency to develop more towards left brain oriented logical and analytical functions, while ignoring sensory intuition of the right brain. Without exploiting our innate potentials for a long period of time, we will end up losing our innate abilities, especially the soul energy and intuition.
The good news is, through proper training to arouse our potentials and raise our level of consciousness, it is possible to regain those abilities so that one can perceive the world from another perspective or multiple perspectives.
Children are our future, and the best timing for imbibing new ideas and learning intuitive intelligence is from age 6 to 13, before they are completely "contaminated" by traditional education and imposed social values. If they miss this opportunity, they will find it much more difficult to develop these innate abilities in the future and definitely need more time to do so. In some cases, they may not even be able to open these faculties.
"Awakening the Intuitive Intelligence (ATII): a Child Potential Development Program" provides a holistic development. By deploying their latent abilities that they are unaware of, children at young age can gain such valuable experience that their previous generations could not attain.
Throughout the program, children will enhance their heart-brain coherence, confidence, intuition as well as creativity to another level. Very often they can achieve better results in school learning, and sometimes they may also have fringe benefits, such as, eyesight improvement.
By awakening their intuitive intelligence and super sensory abilities, children can perceive invisible high-frequency energy and information that ordinary people can’t, which can also make them healthier and wiser. If today's children do not take this golden opportunity to develop this "unfair advantage", it is possible that they will eventually be replaced by others who have developed such abilities or artificial intelligence in the future.
•Children can develop both left and right brains to achieve heart-brain coherence and remove their limiting beliefs!
•Today we have information overflow. Many children have spent too much time on devices and lose their innate abilities. By igniting their intuitive intelligence, they can choose what are right for them, including food, plants, animals, books that they resonate with and also open up their mind to the invisible energy world.
• Children can make good use of their time to develop their intuitive intelligence to complement with school education. Eg can do better in exam such as multiple choices, become more efficient in reading books and retain knowledge, can even ask her higher self or guardian angels questions.
•Some parents reported that their children not only able to read with blindfold but also see aura and perceive energy. Some can even communicate with crystals, animals and plants.
•Some children also reported that they saw sacred geometries and energies in their dreams which they did not understand before.
•I have also witnessed our students becoming more confident, outspoken and creative.
On March 10 (Thu) evening from 9:00 pm to 10:30 pm Hong Kong Time, we had an online introduction to explain the details about our program and answer questions. Previous students also shared their learning experience.
REPLAY of Free Online Introduction with Q&A: March 10, 2022 (Thu) from 9 pm to 10:30 pm
Because of the COVID-19 situation in Hong Kong, students have a special vacation in March and April. We would like to offer a special Level 1 online intensive program.
Level 1: 6 online classes
Tentative Dates: March 20 to April 9, 2022:
Class 1: March 20 (Sun) 9 am to 11 am Hong Kong Time (or March 19 (Sat) 6 pm to 8 pm PST)
1) Light cleansing – purify meridians, chakras, energy body and pineal gland and activate brain cells
2) Learn to see color and shapes using third eye
3) Prepare for blindfold reading
Class 2: March 21 (Mon) 9 am to 11 am Hong Kong Time (or March 20 (Sun) 6 pm to 8 pm PST)
1) Light cleansing – purify meridians, chakras, energy body and pineal gland and activate brain cells
2) Learn to see color and shapes using third eye
3) Prepare for blindfold reading
Class 3: March 26 (Sat) 9 am to 11 am Hong Kong Time (or March 25 (Fri) 6 pm to 8 pm PST)
1) Review to see color and shapes using third eye
2) Communicate with books and receive core knowledge & wisdom
3) Communicate with food and understand everything has spirit
4) Cleanse negative energy in food
5) Blindfold reading
Class 4: April 2 (Sat) 9 am to 11 am Hong Kong Time (or April 1 (Fri) 6 pm to 8 pm PST)
1) Continue with third eye seeing exercise
2) Communicate with plant and crystals (telepathy)
3) Communicate with books and receive core knowledge & wisdom
4) Blindfold Reading
5) Light Code Card Reading
Class 5: April 3 (Sun) 9 am to 11 am Hong Kong Time (or April 2 (Sat) 6 pm to 8 pm PST)
1) Continue with third eye seeing exercise
2) Communicate with plant and crystals (telepathy)
3) Communicate with books and receive core knowledge & wisdom
4) Build a protection shield and store energy
5) Blindfold Reading
6) Light Code Card Reading
Class 6: April 9 (Sun) 9 am to 11 am Hong Kong Time (or April 8 (Fri) 6 pm to 8 pm PST)
Group blindfold reading and imagery exercise, divided into two one-hour group sessions.
Tuition: Original Price HK$30,000, Special Price HK$15,999 or equivalent before March 14, 2022, HK$23,999 for two.
Payment Instructions:
Transfer from other local banks
Bank Name: Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
· Bank code: 250
· Branch code: 390
· Bank account number (HKD or USD): 81304471
· Full name with Citibank: Au, Cheuk Yue Stephen (First Name: Cheuk Yue, Middle Name Stephen, Last Name: Au)
Note: Some banks may only ask you to provide bank code and account number. The “account number” they refer to is the combination of branch code and your bank account number (i.e. 390XXXXXXXX).
Transfer from other overseas bank by Telegraphic Transfer
· Bank Name: Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
· Bank's Address: Hong Kong Branch, Hong Kong
· Wheelock House , Rooms 1002-1003 on the 10/F, G/F & Basement, Wheelock House, 20 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong
· Bank account number (HKD or USD) : 81304471
· Full name with Citibank: Au, Cheuk Yue Stephen (First Name: Cheuk Yue, Middle Name Stephen, Last Name: Au)
· Bank code: 250
· Branch code: 390
Note: Some banks may ask you to provide additional information (e.g. BSB code, Sort code, etc), depending on the type of currency you transfer. Please provide the information below where necessary:
Additional information required
USD Routing number: 021000089
Overseas students are welcome to join and replay will be available.
This is the only Level 1 online program offered in the first half of 2022, so do not miss this opportunity!
Program Information in Chinese
email: or whatsapp +852 6052-4585 or WeChat: stephencau
ATII Jan 2022 Online Class Highlights
Train Yourself to read with blindfold on
Superpower Film – Ignite your intuitive intelligence
《Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible》Official Trailer
ICU - Children With REAL SuperPowers (Third Eye)
Dan Winter explains the brainwave science of third eye, direct inner vision (19:45 mins mark)
Brain Wave Science -
Seeing Without Their Eyes
Dr. Jacob Liberman: You are not your mind
