心身和環境結合的成功秘密 Secrets of the Mind-Body-Environment Connection for Success
主題: 免費網上講座 - 心身和環境結合的成功秘密 你想用一些簡單的技巧來轉化你的人生嗎? 你希望孩子像大谷翔平一樣成功嗎?

2024年9月29日 下午8:30 – 下午9:30 [GMT+8]
Zoom Meeting
免費網上ZOOM講座 - 心身和環境結合的成功秘密
9月29日 (日)8:30 pm - 9:30 pm 講座現接受報名
· 大谷翔平的曼荼羅九宮格思考法中的重要學習
· 設計人生vs預設人生
· 心靈-身體-環境結合的秘密
· 如何讓更多的生命能量流通於你和你的環境?
Email: support@masterstephenau.com, whatsapp +852 6052-4585
English Translation: Secrets of the Mind, Body and Environment Connection for Success
Do you want to transform your life with some simple tips?
Do you want your children to become successful like Ohtani?
I invite you to join my free online masterclass on Sep 29, 2024 (Sun) from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm to unlock the secrets of the mind, body and environment connection!
· Key learning from Ohtani’s Mandala Chart Thinking Method
· Living by design vs living by default
· Secrets of the Mind-Body-Environment Connection
· How do you harness more lifeforce energy to flow through you and your environment?
Around this time last year when Shohei Ohtani was still playing for the Angels in Major League Baseball, I talked about the Mandala Chart Thinking Method that he used for goal setting and implementation. He aimed at becoming the best player in the world on 9/19/2012. 12 years later, he got his second MVP title and signed the largest sport contract ever with the LA Dodgers. On 9/19/2024 he made history again and became the first player to reach 50 homeruns and 50 stolen bases in Miami’s LoanDepot Park. This was the same place where he won the World Baseball Classic for Japan in 2023.
Somehow he managed to manifest his goals! Certainly, there is a lot that we can learn from him. I noticed that there is a deep mind-body-environment connection about his success which is also consistent with the Heaven, Earth, and Man as One profound concept rooted in Chinese philosophy.
Everything is energy, including your life which is a big circle of giving and receiving energy with your environment. Human beings are energy beings, so the more lifeforce energy you have, the more life you have. The physical world (only 5% of universe) is a subset of the non physical world. Similarly, only 5% of brain activities are run by the conscious mind and 95% are run by programs in the subconscious mind, such as, beliefs, past experiences, habits and cultures.
Thoughts/beliefs and emotions reflecting your inner world will lead to your actions and behaviors which are eventually embedded into your body if you repeat them long enough. Humans are pattern seekers. We tend to attract circumstances, places, and people that we are familiar with. Our home or office, furniture and objects with different shapes, color and materials carry different energies. In addition, when they are associated with positive and negative meaning and people’s energy imprints can trigger your feelings and emotions which can influence our lifeforce energy.
Similarly, negative people around you can drain your energy, while positive people can elevate you. Limiting beliefs, unresolved issues, and negative emotions can cause stagnant and detrimental energies in addition to other environmental factors, such as, constructions, poison arrows and gridlines, etc.
Cleansing yourself, home and decluttering regularly alone can create space, bring order and enhance your own energy and environmental energy, before energizing or harmonizing energies. We are constantly exchanging energies with our environment regardless of whether we are conscious of it or not! Indeed, our thoughts are influenced by the amount of lifeforce energy you have. Most people conform to their environment and run by subconscious programs that are not serving them, so the next step is to work inside ourselves on changing these programs.
In short, your life is a reflection of your energy and your subconscious mind. My objective is to help you becoming a creator of your life by living in balance and harmony with your environment. Therefore, it is important to set yourself up for success by taking charge of your mind, body and environment which interact with one another.
On 9/29/2024 (sun) from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, I would like to reveal to you these secrets of success.
區卓裕 (Stephen Au)
Life & Business Transformation Master
- 精於和諧環境能量/風水,成功學及感應力學等
- 曾接受Tony Robbins及Cloé Madanes之聯合教練課程
- 曾於美國華爾街、香港及新加坡任職投資銀行家,及香港證券公司共同創辦人
- 美國西北大學 / 香港科技大學聯合 高級工商管理碩士
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- 五術講場(Five Arts Forum)創辦人
- 開悟人生 Our Life Mastery 創辦人
- 掌控人生日誌 Life Mastery Journal 作者
區師傅除了能多角度分析客戶問題及提供多有效的解決方案外,亦係行內少有具備世界名牌大學學位,商業背景及精通多門東西方五術,能量與個人發展等智慧嘅博學家。區師傅研發了一套全方位的Holistic Applied Science - Auchemy 4-3-2 和諧能量法,幫助你更快更有效地執行你的優先目標。
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